Milwaukee Immigration AttorneysThe Milwaukee immigration attorneys at Ademi & O'Reilly, LLP have been representing people in immigration and other federal matters for over twenty years. And we know the difference between a true lawyer and someone just filling out forms: Persuasion. We take the time to develop a theme, and document the facts, which will persuade an immigration, online divorce, medical law to act in our client's behalf. We take winning for our clients seriously. Especially when a new client comes to us with an immigration denial, we know it will take persuasive lawyering to make a difference.
Your best chance Our clients hire us to get the best chance to get a positive outcome from the USCIS. The local office of the USCIS is located here in Milwaukee, and we also represent clients at the Immigration Court in Chicago. Immigration law is one of the most complex fields, often involving significant documentation and paperwork. Moreover, it can take months and even years to learn that you made a crucial mistake. Don't take unnecessary risks. |